1. Grabbing the images.
2. Using PGraphics to modify them.
3. Uploading.
So i have created a simple sketch that does all of these, commented, and simple as possible so its easy to understand. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28052258/example_Flickr.zip
Some code snipits
if (millis() - lastTime > loopTime) //refresh images over loopTime
println("Getting images from flickr...");
searchTerm = URLEncoder.encode(searchTerm, "UTF-8"); //encode string to UTF8
catch (Exception e) //maily for catching exceptions if string is null
//create the search XML URL based on search term
String url = "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&api_key=bfaa37fbd00c1291ced65b903fb15fda&text="
+ searchTerm + "&format=rest";
//process data into XML elelment from the URL above
processing.xml.XMLElement xml = new processing.xml.XMLElement(this, url);
xml = xml.getChild(0);
processing.xml.XMLElement[] photos = xml.getChildren();
//Everything until know only needed to be run once per search term.
//the following gets each indiividual image. so its a loop
for (int i = 0; i < searchQuantity; i++) //run until we reach the last image wanted
processing.xml.XMLElement photo = photos[i]; //grab the specific line for photo i
//make the URL for that specific image
String imgURL = "http://farm" + photo.getStringAttribute("farm")
+ ".static.flickr.com/"
+ photo.getStringAttribute("server") + "/"
+ photo.getStringAttribute("id") + "_"
+ photo.getStringAttribute("secret") + "_z.jpg"; //adding _z makes the image 640x480 instead of the smaller image.
name[i] = photo.getStringAttribute("name"); //grab name from photo and put it in the name String array
//status message
print("downloading " + (i+1) + "/" + searchQuantity + ":");
//paste this into the URL bar of you browser and you wll see the image
println(imgURL); // the URL of the actaul image.
//the actual retrieve image command.
FlickrPics[i] = loadImage(imgURL);//display the images with mods
if (i < 4)
//first row
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * i), 20, 160, 120); //image(PImage object to display,
//image(PImage object to display,
//x coord of the images left corner,
//y ---------------------right corner,
//width to resize to, //i just m
//height to resize to); ade it a fourth of full size
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * (i - 4)), 140, 160, 120);
UploadImages(); // call the uplaod function and upload the images to flickr/save to hdd
for (int i = 0; i < searchQuantity; i++) //update images again with new pgraphics
if (i < 4)
//first row
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * i), 20, 160, 120); //image(PImage object to display,
//image(PImage object to display,
//x coord of the images left corner,
//y ---------------------right corner,
//width to resize to, //i just m
//height to resize to); ade it a fourth of full size
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * (i - 4)), 140, 160, 120);
println("Getting images from flickr...");
searchTerm = URLEncoder.encode(searchTerm, "UTF-8"); //encode string to UTF8
catch (Exception e) //maily for catching exceptions if string is null
//create the search XML URL based on search term
String url = "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&api_key=bfaa37fbd00c1291ced65b903fb15fda&text="
+ searchTerm + "&format=rest";
//process data into XML elelment from the URL above
processing.xml.XMLElement xml = new processing.xml.XMLElement(this, url);
xml = xml.getChild(0);
processing.xml.XMLElement[] photos = xml.getChildren();
//Everything until know only needed to be run once per search term.
//the following gets each indiividual image. so its a loop
for (int i = 0; i < searchQuantity; i++) //run until we reach the last image wanted
processing.xml.XMLElement photo = photos[i]; //grab the specific line for photo i
//make the URL for that specific image
String imgURL = "http://farm" + photo.getStringAttribute("farm")
+ ".static.flickr.com/"
+ photo.getStringAttribute("server") + "/"
+ photo.getStringAttribute("id") + "_"
+ photo.getStringAttribute("secret") + "_z.jpg"; //adding _z makes the image 640x480 instead of the smaller image.
name[i] = photo.getStringAttribute("name"); //grab name from photo and put it in the name String array
//status message
print("downloading " + (i+1) + "/" + searchQuantity + ":");
//paste this into the URL bar of you browser and you wll see the image
println(imgURL); // the URL of the actaul image.
//the actual retrieve image command.
FlickrPics[i] = loadImage(imgURL);//display the images with mods
if (i < 4)
//first row
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * i), 20, 160, 120); //image(PImage object to display,
//image(PImage object to display,
//x coord of the images left corner,
//y ---------------------right corner,
//width to resize to, //i just m
//height to resize to); ade it a fourth of full size
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * (i - 4)), 140, 160, 120);
UploadImages(); // call the uplaod function and upload the images to flickr/save to hdd
for (int i = 0; i < searchQuantity; i++) //update images again with new pgraphics
if (i < 4)
//first row
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * i), 20, 160, 120); //image(PImage object to display,
//image(PImage object to display,
//x coord of the images left corner,
//y ---------------------right corner,
//width to resize to, //i just m
//height to resize to); ade it a fourth of full size
image(FlickrPics[i], 20 + (160 * (i - 4)), 140, 160, 120);
void modifyImages()
for (int i=0; i < searchQuantity; i++) //loop through each image adding the img to it
println("modifying FlickrPics["+ i+ "]");
PGraphics output = createGraphics(640, 480, P2D);
//start to draw on the PGraphics
output.image(FlickrPics[i], 0, 0); //640x480
output.image(img, 0, 0); //640x480
//both are 640x480 so ill added them both in the upper left corcner with 0,0
output.endDraw(); //done drawing
FlickrPics[i] = output.get(); // saves the new iamge back to the source
3. {
for (int i=0; i < searchQuantity; i++) //loop through each image adding the img to it
println("modifying FlickrPics["+ i+ "]");
PGraphics output = createGraphics(640, 480, P2D);
//start to draw on the PGraphics
output.image(FlickrPics[i], 0, 0); //640x480
output.image(img, 0, 0); //640x480
//both are 640x480 so ill added them both in the upper left corcner with 0,0
output.endDraw(); //done drawing
FlickrPics[i] = output.get(); // saves the new iamge back to the source
void UploadImages()
for (int i=0; i < searchQuantity; i++)
// First compress it as a jpeg.
byte[] compressedImage = compressImage(FlickrPics[i]);
// Set some meta data.
UploadMetaData uploadMetaData = new UploadMetaData();
String saveName = "/created/" + "Tag.Grind" + i + ".jpg";
//FlickrPics[i] =
catch (Exception e)
println("Local Save failed");
// Finally, upload/
uploader.upload(compressedImage, uploadMetaData);
println("Picture" + " " + (i + 1) + " uploaded");
catch (Exception e)
println("Upload failed");
println("Upload Complete!");
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